New Award

 wow..a big thank you to Jenny over at JennyArt for giving me this award
she has a beautiful blog and some great goodies for you you can find her blog at  
please go and visit her and send some love

the rules for this award are that i ahve to pass it on to 5 people and tell you 5 things about myself
so here goes
1.  i recently discovered i wasn't allergic to bananas any more
2.  i teach english literature at a community college in my spare time
3.  i should be at work but pulled a sicky...(shhh)
4.  im on facebook far more than i should be
5.  im typing this with my gloves on cos it 

these gals all thoroughly deserve an award their blogs are stunning

Dont forget to leave a hug Image Hosted by


Tigger said…
Thank you for the award! This is such a surprise. Wondering, though, would it be ok if I did the pass the award thing on Sunday? I'm swamped until this weekend. You're the best!
Weeeeeeeeeeee thanks so much miggs for the award! Love it,
big hugsss